Greetings to all of you!
Recently we received a grant from the KIM Foundation here in Omaha, Nebraska. The monies from this grant are being used for developing training resources for new Fresh Hope groups. Part of these resources are our group tenets. So, I've been re-working our group tenets as they will serve as the outline for a book/workbook as part of these resources. I'm posting these re-worked tenets in the hopes that you as mental health consumers and loved ones might give me your input. (I'm also in the process of writing tenets for the loved ones/friends of mental health consumers.)
These group tenets are read at the beginning of every Fresh Hope group meeting. The tenet is read by an individual and the italicized statement following is read by the group.
Please give these tenets a read and let me know what you think. I really appreciate any insight and input that you can offer to make these tenets the best that they can be!
Here they are:
I. My life is affected by a mood disorder and at times has become unmanageable and hopeless. Therefore, I need the support of others to overcome the daily struggles with these issues and find more joy in my life.
· We need one another- for we are people who understand. Together we remind one another that Lord loves each of us and that He is the source of the hope that I need. He alone can do all things and in Him, we can overcome all things.
“I can do everything through him who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
II. My mood disorder has not only affected my life but also the lives of those around me; affecting many of my relationships. Therefore, I desire to overcome not only for my own good, but also for the good of those who love me.
· Together we not only help one another in our recovery process but, we also help one another recover broken relationships; making amends where possible.
“So let's pursue those things which bring peace and which
are good for each other.” Romans 14:19
(Translation- God’s Word © 1995)
III. It is too easy to use my disorder as an excuse for not “pushing through” in my life. Therefore, I need the support of others who believe that there is hope to live a full and rich life in spite of my disorder and who will urge me to “push through”.
· Together we do better than trying to do it on our own; we hold one another accountable for “pushing through” and choosing hope.
“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up.”
1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV)
IV. My disorder often leaves me feeling hopeless. Therefore, I choose to believe, in spite of how I might feel, that there is help and hope for my struggle; physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual being.
· Together we hold one another up in hope. We offer hope to each other that God has great plans for our lives and will use all of it for our good; even the pain. In addition, when necessary we give a portion of our hope to those who have no hope.
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)
V. While medicine is a key component in my recovery, medicine alone does not solve everything. Therefore, I choose to gain insight into thinking differently and doing things differently in my relationships and daily living.
· Joy in living is possible; self-knowledge in action is the key to freedom from suffering over pain. Therefore, we can choose to gain insight. It’s a choice- an act of our will.
“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
II Corinthians 10:5
VI. Too often, I feel like a failure, discouraged and a victim of my disorder. At times, I have “become” my diagnoses and allowed myself to be defined by it. Therefore, I choose to overcome in spite of my disorder. I choose to be a whole and well-rounded person. I choose to fully live in hope and joy.
· Together we encourage one another and celebrate our victories. Together we remind one another that there is so much more to our lives and our beings than our diagnosis. Together we celebrate the whole person.
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power
and of love and of a sound mind.”
II Timothy 1:7
Our purpose is to encourage one another
to choose God’s fresh hope for our daily life and future.
Who we see here remains confidential.
What is said here stays here.
We don’t judge; nor do we lecture.
We listen, we share and we grow.