Tuesday, January 18, 2011

David Ignatius: The Loughners among us are often tragically ignored - Omaha.com

David Ignatius: The Loughners among us are often tragically ignored - Omaha.com


  1. Brad-
    This is a great article. This man obviously has some understanding.
    However, what I would like to see for once is a list: A, B, C...about what these individuals think could be done to change things.
    Yes, there are problems, but let's think of the solutions, that, I don't think are very difficult to come up with.

  2. Yes, I agree with you. However, I think he is trying to make one very simple suggestion of what needs to go on- and that is that people need to get involved with people who are struggling etc. In other words, until people are willing to interact with people such as Jared and willing to "get involved" and care it won't matter what "A, B or C" we have. And part of that involvement is to coordinate the caring with others etc. But, I agree with you overall we ultimately have some "cracks" in the system that need to be figured out so that those who meet and interact with the Jared's of this world...know what to do. What are some of the things you would suggest?
